- Address: 18 Akkerdal Avenue
Claremont, Cape Town, 7708 - Mobile: +27 (0)82 332 5448
- Email:
Directions to Lavender House
We are situated in Claremont, Cape Town
Driving directions from Cape Town Airport:
- take the N2 into Cape Town
- take the off ramp marked Liesbeek Parkway (Exit 8)
- and bear left onto Liesbeek Parkway
- follow this road through 6 sets of traffic lights
- the last set of lights crosses Keurboom Road
- then take second road left - Akkerdal Road
- Lavender House is on your right - number 18
From the City Centre:
- take the M3 towards Muizenberg
- then take left turn to Airport( N2)
- take the first offramp to Liesbeek Parkway (Exit 8)
- and go directly right under the freeway bridge
- follow this road through 7 sets of traffic lights
- the last set of lights crosses Keurboom Road
- then take second road left - Akkerdal Road
- Lavender House is on your right - number 18
Location Map
GPS Co-Ordinates:
-33.976721, 18.472895